In Recruiting Management's Implementation Guide, the section in regards to Job Requisition Legacy Import points to a document that is not available for partners/customers. The section in question states the following:
- For the enum standard field Currency, valid currency codes have been given. If the value is empty, then the default value configured in the template will be used. For valid currency codes, refer to currencyTable in
- For the enum standard field stateProvince, the CSV field values are available for all required fields in the template. The value must map to the file in the path content/Recruiting_Country_States.txt. For example, for Illinois, stateProvince must be US-IL in CSV file.
- For the text standard field function, the eQuest function name has been mapped to the file in the path content/jobFunction.csv.
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting all versions
job, requisition, legacy, import, Recruiting_Country_States.txt, file, stateProvince, field, information, value, values, content/Recruiting_Country_States.txt. , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM , Recruiting Management , Problem
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