Different tries gave different errors including:
- When the function string included the text column:
ERROR #29029 USER(myuser) - eneric/dsi/fstrobj.c(3212)
Syntax error in the output template. The variable 'mytextcol' is not a legal one for the modifier 'new' for the function 'rs_insert' and object 'mytable'.
- When the table names are different and the replication definition does not specify this information:
ERROR #1028 DSI EXEC(109(1) target.pubs2) - neric/dsi/dsiqmint.c(5172)
Message from server: Message: 4701, State 1, Severity 11 -- 'Cannot truncate table 'mytable', because this table does not exist in database 'pubs2'.
THREAD FATAL ERROR #5049 DSI EXEC(109(1) da_target.pubs2) - neric/dsi/dsiqmint.c(5185)
The DSI thread for database 'target.pubs2' is being shutdown. DSI received data server error #4701 which is mapped to STOP_REPLICATION. See logged data server errors for more information. The data server error was caused by output command #1 mapped from input command #2 of the failed transaction.
THREAD FATAL ERROR #5273 DSI EXEC(109(1) target.pubs2) - neric/dsi/dsiqmint.c(5213)
To write the failed transaction into log, please execute 'sysadmin log_first_tran, da_target, pubs2'. Please analyze the transaction and provide an appropriate fix based on your analysis, then resume the connection.
'begin transaction '
Command(s) to 'da_target.pubs2':
'INSERT into mytable ([....Command(s) to 'target.pubs2':
'select mytext from mytable where id=1 '
ERROR #5149 DSI EXEC(107(1) target.pubs2) - eneric/dsi/dsiexec.c(8352)
Function 'rs_get_textptr' for 'mytable' returned no rows.
The DSI thread for database 'target.pubs2' is shutdown.
What is the process to replicate data data with a text column to a replicate with a different name and different structure?
SAP Replication Server (all versions)
function string class primary source target replicate repserver replication server alter connection resume suspend subscription replication definition repdef sub , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , How To
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