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2865091 - Syntax Error when implementing Note "2786064 - Custom Code Management - New Function Module to collect the Program Tcode (ST-PI)"


When implementing Note "2786064 - Custom Code Management - New Function Module to collect the Program Tcode (ST-PI)" the following syntax error is encountered;

The current ABAP program "/SDF/SAPLCCM_FUNCTIONS" had to be terminated because it has come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
In include "/SDF/CL_CCM_AGS_CC_TRAN_PROG==CCAU ", in line 92 of program "/SDF/CL_CCM_AGS_CC_TRAN_PROG==CP ",
the following syntax errors have occurred:
You can only use "class=>method" with static methods.



ST-PI   74001 - 74012
ST-PI   2008_1_700   RD1 - RDU
           2008_1_710   RE1 - REU


SAP Solution Manager 7.2


2786064, implementing, yellow, inactive, All changes already exist, ccm, ST-PI, method" with static methods , KBA , SV-SMG-CCM , Custom Code Management , Problem

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