Starting January 1st, 2020, the connectivity to SAP will be changed, as announced on the Connectivity to SAP's Support Backbone landing page. To make the transition to the new infrastructure smooth, SAP decided to allow for a limited period of time to access the SAP Support Backbone with RFC after January 2020 for systems participating in the EarlyWatch Alert Service at SAP before. This includes SAP Solution Manager systems and ABAP systems sending EWA data directly to SAP. In scope is the functionality of SAP Note Assistant (SNOTE) and EWA (SDCCN). Other Solution Manager functionalty is out of scope.
To ensure functionality of the RFC destination, replacing the anonymous user with a technical communication user is the only mandatory action in the system. (A normal S-user is tolerated, but at the risk of being locked due to other activity with this S-user. The password of a technical communication user does not expire.)
Before, this option was only offered for non-Solution Manager systems on SAP basis releases below 7.40. Now it is extended temporarily for Solution Manager systems of all releases and other ABAP systems of all releases. Regarding SAP Note Assistant this extends the possibilty to use RFC to systems on SAP basis releases 7.40 and above.
Historically, ABAP systems could connect with an anonymous user to SAP Support Backbone. This legacy logon is disabled January 2020. Use a technical communication user in the RFC connection to SAP instead.
RFC to SAP Support Backbone can be used for the following functionality from January 2020 onwards: SAP Note Assistant (SNOTES) and EarlyWatch Alert (EWA/transaction SDCCN). This is a restriction especially for Solution Manager systems: all Solution Manager specific applications are not supported.
Service Data Control Center (SDCC, transaction SDCCN) supports the following functionality with connection to SAP Support Backbone:
- Send session data:
- Is used to send service data, especially that of the Earlywatch Alert, to SAP. It is also used for the license measurement data.
- Refresh service definitions:
- Keeps the service definitions up to date. The service definitions are the list of function modules collected as service data for the EWA (or any other service) in SDCC.
- Service Preparation - Service Recommendation Refresh:
RTCCTOOL connects to SAP Support Backbone for the Service Preparation - Service Recommendation Refresh. It updates the content of the Service Recommendation (the checklist in RTCCTOOL). RTCCTOOL uses destination SAPOSS (not the destination maintained in the SDCC destination table). - Exception: If you are on ST-A/PI 01T_* SP00 or below, you must enable destination SAPNET_RTCC. The ST-A/PI 01T_* SP01 was released December 2018.
Report RTCCTOOL can be started in SDCC as Service Preparation task or as report in transaction SA38 or SE38.
SAP Note Assistant (SNOTES) supports the download and implementation of digitally signed SAP Notes.
ABAP systems and especially SAP Solution Manager (all releases) connecting to SAP Support Backbone.
EWA; SAP Support Backbone Update; SDCCN; SDCC; SNOTE , KBA , ewa , sap support backbone , SV-SMG-SDD , Service Data Download , SV-SMG-SER-EWA , EarlyWatch Alert , How To
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