After upgrading the target HANA database, SLT replication which previously was working, now fails with errors such as the blow seen in the work process trace file on the SLT replication server:
B ***LOG BYM=> severe DB error -10709; work process in reconnect status
B ***LOG BY4=> sql error -10709 performing INS on table /1CADMC/<table name>
B ***LOG BY0=> Connect failed (no reachable host left)
M ThICommit: bad db connection state
and in the replication cockpit, you see the error
SQL exception occurred in receiver system (rfc dest. NONE)
SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0 or higher
HANA, DB error, -10709, reconnect status, Connect failed, no reachable host left, ThICommit, bad db connection state, SQL exception occurred in receiver system, rfc dest, SLT, upgrade, replication, HANA Client , KBA , HAN-DB-CLI , SAP HANA Clients (JDBC, ODBC) , HAN-DP-LTR , Use CA-LT-SLT instead , Problem
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