- You run Statistical Forecasting job and it fails with one of the following possible error messages:
- "Error occurred in parallel forecasting task FORECAST_MAIN_1, related log handle [LOGHANDLENUMBER]."
- "A system error occurred. Please contact your administrator."
- Also, there is a warning message that appears before the error information, which is: "Some key figures do not have a disaggregation mode."
- SAP Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- SAP Sales and Operations Planning (SCM-SOP)
- SAP Integrated Business Planning (SCM-IBP)
Some key figures do not have a disaggregation mode, do not have disaggregation mode, disaggregation mode, disaggregation, key figures do not have, forecasting job failing, statistical forecasting job, A system error occurred. Please contact your administrator., Error occured in parallel forecasting task FORECAST_MAIN_1, related log handle, Error occured in parallel forecasting task FORECAST_MAIN_1, Error occured in parallel forecasting task, parallel forecasting task , KBA , SCM-IBP-BF-DIS , Disaggregation , SCM-IBP-DM-STF , Statistical Forecasting , Problem
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