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2869171 - Oracle 18c DBUA is failing with error ORA-38824


 When upgrading from Oracle 12.1 to Oracle 18c, the following error is found in the catupgrd1.log file:

20:02:16 SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW dbsnmp.mgmt_response_baseline AS
20:02:16 2 SELECT b.instance_number, s.sql_text, s.hash_value, v.address, s.t_per_exec
20:02:16 3 FROM dbsnmp.mgmt_baseline b, dbsnmp.mgmt_baseline_sql s, v$sqlarea v
20:02:16 4 WHERE b.instance_number = s.instance_number
20:02:16 5 AND s.hash_value = v.hash_value;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW dbsnmp.mgmt_response_baseline AS
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-38824: A CREATE OR REPLACE command may not change the EDITIONABLE property
of an existing object.



Oracle 12.1 to Oracle 18c Upgrade


SAP NetWeaver 7.5


ORA-38824 Oracle DBUA 18c 12c 12.1 , KBA , BC-DB-ORA , Oracle , Problem

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