While installing or upgrading your CARAB system, you receive similar errors:
- HANA activation ID: "596", HANA return code: "40136"
- "HANA Message: Repository: Activ""ation failed for at least one o""bject;At least one runtime repo""rted an error during activation"
- "Repository: Encountered an erro""r in repository runtime extensi""on;Model inconsistency. Create"" Scenario failed: "
- HANA severity &2"4", HANA return code: &3"40137" Attempt "5": Activating "298" objects
SAP Customer Activity Repository 1.0, retail applications bundle ; SAP Customer Activity Repository applications bundle 4.0 ; SAP Customer Activity Repository retail applications bundle 2.0
MAIN_TRANSEXEC/HANA_DEPLOY_TRANS, MAIN_NEWBAS/HANA_DEPLOY_UPG, HANA_DEPLOY_UPG, activation failed, CAR, UDF, DDF, AP, Assortment Planning, AFL, SUM, Activation failed for at least one object;At least one runtime reported an error during activation , KBA , CA-RT-CAR , SAP Customer Activity Repository , CA-RT-AP , SAP Assortment Planning , Problem
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