SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2870679 - Is it Possible to Report on How Many Job Requisition are Posted - Recruiting Management


Is it possible to report on how many Job Requistion are posted in the system?

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management


Currently, it's not possible to report just on posted Job Requisitions since the Job Requisition can have until 5 types of Job Posting/Board ID (Internal, External, _private_internal_, private_external, Agency) and each Board ID will return one match. For example, if the Job Requisition is posted just internally and externally, the results will be 2 posts but actually, it's only one Job Requisition. It's not possible to hide duplicated entries, so the report will bring up invalid numbers.

You can report on Job Requisitions posted in a single Board ID, for example, external posting. Refer to the following example for more details:

  1. On Reporting > My Reports > New
  2. Select the desired type of report (This example is using table format)
  3. Recruiting V2
  4. On Columns, under Posting column, select Job Req ID and Board ID
  5. On Filters, under Posting column, select Board ID and choose the post type


See Also

 2428346 - How to report on a Requisition Job Posting value (I,E,I/E,Not Posted...) - Recruiting Management


Posted Job Requisitions, Board ID, Posting Job Req, How Many Posted Job Requisitions, Job Posting, Posting Type, Intranet Posting

, KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-REP , Reporting & Analytics, Data Imports & Exports , LOD-SF-RCM-JOB , Job Postings & Requisitions , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting all versions