SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2870701 - Error "feature not supported: global temporary table must be empty to drop"


The attempt to drop a global temporary table fails with an error message like:

"feature not supported: global temporary table must be empty to drop"

You tried also the workaround in SAP Note 2503043 - Global Temporary Row-Store Table can not be Dropped but it still fails.

Errors can appear in several traces, i.e.:

- In transaction SM21:

11:32:52 xxxxxx DIA 039 xxx xxxxxx Database error 7 at EXE
11:32:52 xxxxxx DIA 039 xxx xxxxxx feature not supported: global temporary table must be empty
11:32:52 xxxxxx DIA 039 xxx xxxxxx to drop

- In the correspondent developer trace (dev_w39):

C 11:32:52 2019
C *** ERROR => execute(), rc=1, rcSQL=7
[dbsdbsql.cpp 1445]
C {r}_0
C SQLERRTEXT : feature not supported: global temporary table must be empty to drop
C SQL COMMAND: DROP TABLE "<schema_name>"."<temp_table_name>";;
C *** ERROR => EXECUTE on connection 0, rc=7
[dbslsdb.cpp 3732]
C SQLERRTEXT : feature not supported: global temporary table must be empty to drop
C SQL COMMAND: DROP TABLE "<schema_name>"."<temp_table_name>";;
B ***LOG BY2=> sql error 7 performing EXE [dbds 684]
B ***LOG BY0=> feature not supported: global temporary table must be empty to drop [dbds 684]

- In the indexserver trace:

11:32:52.301354 i TraceContext TraceContext.cpp(01117) : UserName= , ApplicationUserName= , ApplicationName=ABAP:xxx, ApplicationSource= , Client= , StatementHash= , EppRootContextId= , EppTransactionId= , EppConnectionId= , EppConnectionCounter=0, EppComponentName= , EppAction= , StatementExecutionID=
11:32:52.301343 e ddl : global temp table in use: "<schema_name>"."<temp_table_name>"



HANA 1.0, 2.0


SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition ; SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0


Global temporary table, feature not supported, empty , KBA , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , Problem

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