Although tcode DB13 scheduled backup jobs fail with RC != 0, they're reporting a completion status of "Finished successfully" in DB13 Action Details and return code 'OK' in the Dbacockpit DBA Log'.
For example, the following job log shows that job SAPJOB failed due to JCL error.
20190828170008|BKS| 1 | J E S 2 J O B L O G -- S Y S T E M D U D 6 -- N O D E N 1
20190828170008|BKS| 2 | |
20190828170008|BKS| 3 |17.00.09 JOB01670 ---- WEDNESDAY, 28 AUG 2019 ----
20190828170008|BKS| 4 |17.00.09 JOB01670 IEFC452I SAPJOB - JOB NOT RUN - JCL ERROR 123
20190828170008|BKS| 5 |------ JES2 JOB STATISTICS ------
20190828170008|BKS| 6 | 22 CARDS READ
20190828170008|BKS| 7 | 43 SYSOUT PRINT RECORDS
20190828170008|BKS| 8 | 0 SYSOUT PUNCH RECORDS
20190828170008|BKS| 9 | 2 SYSOUT SPOOL KBYTES
20190828170008|BKS|10 | 0.00 MINUTES EXECUTION TIME
But 'Jobs > DBA Log' shows it ran okay
Start Date Start Time End Date End Time Runtime Action Return Code
28.08.2019 17:00:09 28.08.2019 17:00:09 00:00:00 Backup System at DB2 System Level OK
And tcode DB13 Action Details reports 'Finished Successfully'
DB2 z/OS any version
Netweaver ABAP - check release levels outlined in SAP Note 2847650.
DBA Planning Calender , KBA , BC-DB-DB2 , DB2 for z/OS , Problem
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