SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2872830 - How to Migrate List Price for Service Order


You have created a service order via migration, but the error:"Item XX: Mandatory List Price missing for the price calculation" occurs.


 SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Business Configuration Work Center
  2. Open the Activity:Migration of Service Orders
  3. Click "Migrate service order using the migration tool"
  4. The Service Order ABC (where ABC stands for service order you created) is created
  5. Open the Service Order ABC
  6. Error "Item XX: Mandatory List Price missing for the price calculation" occurs.


The field Net Value in the migration template is mapped to List price. You did not maintain a Net Value in your migration template for the Item and the item is not maintained in a Price List that is valid for the respective Service Order.


The System behavior is as follows:

If you did not maintained a Price List for the item and you also did not maintain a Net Value in the migration template, the List Price in the migrated Service Order cannot be determined and the error "Item XX: Mandatory List Price missing for the price calculation" occurs.

If you did not maintained a Price List for the item and you maintain a Net Value in the migration template, the List Price in the migrated Service Order is determined from the Net Value in the migration template.

If you maintained a Price List for the item and you don't maintain a Net Value in the migration template, the List Price in the migrated Service Order is determined from the Price List.

If you maintained a Price List for the item and you maintain a Net Value in the migration template, the List Price in the migrated Service Order is determined from the Net Value in the migration template.


Service Order, Migration, Net Value, List Price , KBA , SRD-CRM-SEO , Service Orders , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions