SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2873797 - Error: "Unable to process your request. Please contact your configuration team for assistance" when creating Job Requisition via Browse "Families & Roles" - Recruiting Management


When users create requistiion using Browse "Families & Roles" they are getting the message Error "Unable to process your request. Please contact your configuration team for assistance".


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Create a Requisition
  2. Select a template
  3. Select Browse "Families & Roles"  select Job Family
  4. Fill out the operators and click Next
  5. You'll get the message Error " Unable to process your request. Please contact your configuration team for assistance".


We have identified 3 root causes so far:

  • Missing RBP Permissions for the affected users.
  • Business rule linked on Initialize/Save trigger does not support some of the field changes.
  • The user associated to the field in the creation screen is not part of the Recruiting Group associated to the operator field in the template.


For Cause 1:

In most cases there are missing RBP Permissions for the user who creates the Requistion, please check the following RBP permission and make sure the users have the following permissions:

Manage Job & Skill Profile Visibility

JobReqProfile and make sure thay have the following Edit/Import/Export/View permissions.

For Cause 2:

One of the field mapping that can cause issue when creating job requisition via Browse "Families & Roles" is the field mapping that will require the system to check the position data to get the field from there. Position to Requisition integration can on only happen when creating a requisition in Position Org Chart or if the Position Object is defined in the job requisition template.

For Cause 3:

It will be required to either add the user to the Recruiting Group in question or to remove the Recruiting Group configuration of the field.

See Also

2878365 - Position Management - Implementation Tips & Tricks from Support


Error, Create, Requisition, Families, Roles, Job, Profile, builder, role, code, oninit, onsave, onchange, creation, page, req, template. , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-JOB , Job Postings & Requisitions , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting all versions