- IQ server ran into hanging status,
- IQ was not accessible, and had to be re-cycled frequently.
- The following messages appeared together:
I. 09/05 17:43:49. 0000004587 Disconnect: SA connHandle: 3518 SA connID: 54 IQ connID: 0000004587 User: p_rskmrp
I. 09/05 17:44:17. 0000000424 Exception Thrown from slib/s_run.cxx:3446, Err# 0, tid 2241 origtid 2241
I. 09/05 17:44:17. 0000000424 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 519 (hos_attnexception); SQLCode: -299, SQLState: '57014', Severity: 16
I. 09/05 17:44:17. 0000000424 [2188]: Statement interrupted by user
- This issue looks like a deadlock between the sweeper threads and the ReleaseSavepoint thread (triggered by the commit).
- SAP IQ16.0
- SAP IQ16.1
"s_iqstore::AdjustFreeList" ; "AdjustFreeList" ; deadlock ; hang ; unresponsive ; , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed
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