SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2874906 - Product Category Displayed as # Not assigned in G/L Accounts - Line Items Report


Upon execution of G/L Accounts - Line Items Report for a journal entry with source document type Journal Entry Voucher, the Product Category field is displayed as # Not assigned, even though there's a Product Category displayed in the journal entry itself.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Business Analytics work center.
  2. Go to the Design Reports view.
  3. Open the report G/L Accounts - Line Items.
  4. Enter mandatory selection data and Journal Entry ID (which has a Journal Entry Voucher as Source Document).
  5. Add characteristic Product Category to the report and execute the report.
  6. Notice that Product Category is displayed as # Not Assigned, even though there's a Product Category displayed in the Journal Entry itself.


Product Category in this case is a sub-ledger specific data. This can be seen in the Journal Entry, under Items Details: Overhead Cost (ledger). The G/L Accounts - Line Items report is supposed to show only G/L specific data and not sub-ledger data.


For this case, the Cost Centers - Line Items report can be used to see data with Product Category. In Cost Centers - Line Items report the Product Category characteristic should be added via Add Fields function.


product category; not assigned; #; G/L Accounts - Line Items; journal entry; je; journal entry voucher; jev; cost center - line items; subledger , KBA , g/l accounts - line items , cost centers - line items , product category , not assigned , # , journal entry , je , journal entry voucher , jev , subledger , AP-ACC-GL-ANA , Analytics , How To


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