Upon execution of G/L Accounts - Line Items Report for a journal entry with source document type Journal Entry Voucher, the Product Category field is displayed as # Not assigned, even though there's a Product Category displayed in the journal entry itself.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Business Analytics work center.
- Go to the Design Reports view.
- Open the report G/L Accounts - Line Items.
- Enter mandatory selection data and Journal Entry ID (which has a Journal Entry Voucher as Source Document).
- Add characteristic Product Category to the report and execute the report.
- Notice that Product Category is displayed as # Not Assigned, even though there's a Product Category displayed in the Journal Entry itself.
Product Category in this case is a sub-ledger specific data. This can be seen in the Journal Entry, under Items Details: Overhead Cost (ledger). The G/L Accounts - Line Items report is supposed to show only G/L specific data and not sub-ledger data.
For this case, the Cost Centers - Line Items report can be used to see data with Product Category. In Cost Centers - Line Items report the Product Category characteristic should be added via Add Fields function.
product category; not assigned; #; G/L Accounts - Line Items; journal entry; je; journal entry voucher; jev; cost center - line items; subledger , KBA , g/l accounts - line items , cost centers - line items , product category , not assigned , # , journal entry , je , journal entry voucher , jev , subledger , AP-ACC-GL-ANA , Analytics , How To