SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2875783 - Sorting Of Run ID Not Working As Expected In Mass Data Runs


RUN IDs are not sorted ascending or descending as expected in Mass Data Runs


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go To Planning and Production Master Data Work Center
  2. Go To Automated Actions View
  3. Select Production Bills Of Material Mass Maintenance subview
  4. Select All Runs -> Choose Column 'Run ID' -> Sort either Ascending or Descending


Sorting works on the numeric values only. If the Run IDs are Alpha-Numeric, sorting is not appropriate.


Sorting is not applicable in case of Alpha-Numeric IDs. However, there can be others columns which are numeric where the sortings works appropriate.


alpha-numeric, sorting, run id, mdr , KBA , sorting , run id , alpha-numeric , mass data runs , AP-PMM-BOM , Production Bill of Material , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions