SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2877009 - SAC sort function does not work correctly when adding dimension to Color in Chart.


SAC sort function does not work correctly when adding dimension to Color in Chart.


  • SAP Analytic Cloud 2020.2.0 

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Create a model with attached Excel data.
  2. Create bar chart based on the model and add color dimension in the designer panel.
  3. Add version (Dimension in excel) to the Color and choose the Show as Layered Bars.
  4. When sort the measure, the chart does not rank as expect.  


This issue is under investigation of development investigation.


This issue is under investigation of development investigation.

See Also


SAP Cloud for Planning, sc4p, c4p, cforp, cloudforplanning, Cloud for Analytics, Cloud4Analytics, CloudforAnalytics, Cloud 4 Planning, BOC, SAPBusinessObjectsCloud, BusinessObjectsCloud, BOBJcloud, BOCloud., SAC, SAP AC, Cloud-Analytics, CloudAnalytics, SAPCloudAnalytics,Error, Issue, System, Data, User, Unable, Access, Connection, Sac, Connector, Live, Acquisition, Up, Set, setup, Model, BW, Connect, Story, Tenant, Import, Failed, Using, Working, SAML, SSO
, KBA , LOD-ANA-BI , Business Intelligence Functionality, Analytic Models , Problem


SAP Analytics Cloud 1.0

