SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2877279 - Content Error in 3PL Business Communication: "Missing parameter RecipientParty", "Invalid Internal ID"


You are using a Third Party to manage your Warehouse and have set up a Communication Arrangement to enhance communication between your system and that of your Warehouse Provider. However, when your Warehouse Provider sends an Inbound Message of the type "Process Inbound Delivery Execution Confirmation" to your ByD system to create and confirm the Inbound Delivery, the system does not process the message and triggers a content error. If you open the Message Details, the system shows the following message:  "Missing parameter RecipientParty", "Invalid Internal ID".



SAP Business ByDesign


SAP Business ByDesign all versions


Invalid, Internal ID, Error, inbound, B2B, communication, Content, Inbound, Delivery, Execution, Confirmation, IDEC, 3PL , KBA , AP-IDP-ID , Inbound Delivery , AP-IDP , Inbound Delivery Processing , Problem

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