SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2877776 - Unable To Delete Work Distribution Rules


You want to delete the Work Distribution Rules in the system, which have lapsed its validity.


SAP Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Administrator work center
  2. Go to Service and Social Facet
  3. Go to Work Distribution → Organizational Work Distribution
  4. Select any of the Work Distribution Rules that have passes its validity date
  5. There is no option to delete these rules


Currently, you can only terminate the rules that are active in the system, and have its valid to date in the future. It is not possible to delete the rules whose validity has elapsed.


This is the current system behavior. In order to terminate an active Work Distribution Rule, please follow the below steps:

  1. Go to Administrator work center
  2. Go to Service and Social Facet
  3. Go to Work Distribution → Organizational Work Distribution
  4. Select any of the active Work Distribution Rules that you want to terminate
  5. Click on the Edit button
  6. Select the record to be deleted and click on the Delete button


work distribution, rule, delete, validity, remove , KBA , work distribution , organizational , delete , rules , validity , LOD-CRM-ADM , Administration UI , LOD-CRM-SRP , Service Request Processing , Problem


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