SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2877856 - Advanced Search Filter In Opportunities Is Not Working


When searching by Party in the Advanced search filter in Opportunitie, the results displayed is not as expected.


SAP Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Sales workcenter.
  2. Go to the Opportunities view.
  3. Click the Advanced search icon.
  4. For the Party field enter an 'exclude' condition as shown in the screenshot below:

exclude party.png

  1. Click Go.

The results displayed include opportunities with excluded Party.


The exclude option in the advanced search works only for header attributes, like e.g. status, document type etc.

The search parameter 'Party' is an attribute of the related table of parties. You usually have several parties with different party roles assigned to an Opportunity.

Therefore a search with 'exclude' for party does not deliver meaningful results.


This is the expected system behaviour.


advanced search , filter , opportunities , KBA , advanced search , exclude , party , party role , LOD-CRM-OPP , Opportunity Management , Problem


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