- Calling the API API_PRODUCT_SRV ( Method POST) returns the error "The numeric product number 1234 was transferred without leading zeros"
- The API API_PRODUCT_SRV allows the creation of Products using Internal Number Assignment but no External Number Assignment
- Error '"Cannot process multiple products in a single change set request." when calling API API_PRODUCT_SRV ( Method POST)
- SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition
- Master Data
Reproducing the Issue
Call the API with operation POST , For example /sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PRODUCT_SRV/A_Product and sample Payload
"ProductType": "FERT",
"BaseUnit": "PC",
[ { "Language": "EN", "ProductDescription": "SAPTEST" } ],
"Product": "SAP"
incomplete Payload file
System works as designed.
The issue occurs when you have passed product number at root node but in the child node the product number is missing . You should pass the product number in child node
Sample of a correct Payload :
"ProductType": "FERT",
"results":[ { "Product":"SAP", "Language":"EN", "ProductDescription":"SAPTEST" } ]
API_PRODUCT_SRV , material master , ODATA , 'Product Master (A2X)' , "API_PRD_MSG/003", , KBA , LO-MD-MM , Material Master , LO-MD-FIO-MM , Fiori UI for Product Master , Problem