SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2878296 - ByD: Analytical Report Texts Cannot be Translated in Language Adaptation


You would like to use the Language Adaptation Tool to translate reporting texts. However when defining a text pool, the text type Analytical Report Texts is missing.


Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

The prerequisite to use this tool have been set (see the help center article Customer Language Adaptation Tool).

  1. Go to the work center Application and User Management.
  2. Select the view Customer Language Adaptation > Text Pool Administration.
  3. Click New.
  4. Add a Text Pool ID and name, and select a target language.
  5. Under Text Types for Processing, there is no checkbox to collect analytical report texts.


The option to collect analytical report texts is being re-designed at the moment. Certain system changes had to be made to adapt to the latest technologies, and this option is currently not optimized yet.


The feature will be enabled in a future release. Unfortunately no specific release can be committed to yet. You can contact your Sales contact from SAP for further details if required.


Language Adaptation, get analytical report texts, cannot be collected, missing checkbox, analytics text missing , KBA , translation , AP-RC-ANA , C4C, ByD, Travel: Analytics Tools & Frameworks , AP-GLO-TXA , ByD Key User Translation Tool , Product Enhancement


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