This article describes the steps to configure Position Management Settings in order to create a requisition from Position Org Chart. The information in this document is supplementary to the implementation guide. This document provides a checklist of the settings needed to create requisitions from position org chart.
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SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management
Check the following documentation on the SAP Help Portal "Integration of Recruiting with Position Management in Employee Central" for the standard configuration for Position Management Settings. The information in this document is supplementary to the implementation guide. This document provides a checklist of the settings needed to configure position management integration between RCM and EC to create requisitions from position org chart.
Position Management allows permitted users to create ONE requisition from a position via the Position Org Chart. Details from position (EC) are autopopulated to the requisitions created. This takes advantage of business rules.
Once created, if you preview the position details again, you should be able to see the requisition details of the requisition created.
- Go to Admin Center > Position Management Settings > Under Integration.
- The field Use Recruiting Integration has to be set to Yes
- The field Rule for Deriving Job Requisition Template ID has to be set to the Business Rule you want to run.
- The field Rules for Mapping Fields Between Position and Job Requisition has to be set to Business Rule you want to run.
- Go to Admin Center > Position Management Settings > Integration.
- When you create a Requisition from Position Org Chart the Rule for Deriving Job Requisition Template ID runs first to get the template details for the requisition being created.
- Then, the Rule for Mapping Fields Between Position and Job Requisition runs to get the field values to be mapped from Position to the Requisition.
Note: When you open the Rules from the Position Management Settings via the view icon they don’t open Full Screen.
- Go to Admin Center > Configure Business Rules > Search for the Rule Name.
- If the Job Requisition template field is mapped to the Template ID, the business rule's integration is using SFAPI. Note: As SFAPI is already deprecated, it is highly encouraged to switch to ODATA.
- When the Template is mapped to the Template ID, the business rules is using SFAPI.
- When the Template is mapped to the Template Name, the business rules is using ODATA.
- Make sure the ID and the template name corresponds to the ones in Provisioning and the template should be active.
- If the Job Requisition template field is mapped to the Template Name, the business rule's integration is using ODATA.
- Go to Admin Center > Manage Position > Positions > Search for the Position ID.
- FTE (Full-time employment) of at least 1.
- To Be Hired should be set to Yes.
- Status should be Active.
- Vacant should be set to True.
Additional Note: The target FTE (full-time equivalent) expresses the amount of accumulated FTE that may be assigned to this position. If you want the system to control this capacity for overcharging, please set the positionControlled attribute to True.
- Go to Admin Center > Manage Position > Positions > Search for the Position ID. Make sure the Business Unit, Department, Location, and Division tagged to the position has active users in the User Data File (UDF).
- Go to Admin Center > Employee Export > Download User Data File. Note: Employee Export may have a different label in your instance.
- Open the User Data File output (.csv) and make sure there is at least 1 active user in the Department, Division, or Location that is assigned to the Position. Else, you will get an error on requisition creation saying, the Department is invalid with index 0 or Location is invalid, index 0.
- Make sure all the fields marked as required=“true” in the job requisition templates are mapped in the Rule for Mapping Fields Between Position and Job Requisition. Else, you will get an error saying a certain field is required. The error is specific enough to tell you what required field is missing.
Note: This is true for all methods of Job Requisition creation via API. All the required fields have to be filled out on requisition creation.
- To overrule the restriction due to the required fields in the template, use the isDraft function. If you use an isDraft function, the requisition will be created although not all fields are mapped in the business rules.
- Use isDraft value when you don’t need all the required fields in the requisition template to be populated from position. This means the recruiting users will have to manually fill out these fields AFTER the requisition is created.
- When you use the isDraft function, even if not all required fields in the template are mapped in the business rules, the requisition will still be created without errors.
Note: This feature is also use as a workaround if you have issues with creating requisition from position org chart due to a specific field/s. For example, your department is deemed invalid, and you cannot fix it at the moment. In order to be able to create a requisition even without the department field, you can use the isDraft function and not map the department field in the business rules (even though it is a required field in the requisition template).
- This is how you can map isDraft in the business rules.
- Go to Admin Center > Manage Permission Roles > [Role Name] > Permissions. This should be granted to the users that will create the requisition from position org chart.
- Under General User Permission > Permission to Create Forms > Either select All or just the job requisition templates.
- Under Manage Position > Select the following permissions.
- Job Requisition in Position Organization Chart
- Create Job Requisition in Position Organization Chart
- Under Manage Job & Skill Profile Visibility > JobReqJobProfile > View, Edit, Import/Export.
- (Optional) Under Recruiting Permissions, check the following, in order to prevent users from creating requisitions manually outside position org chart.
- Hide "Copy Existing Job Requisition" option on the create requisition page.
- Hide "Browse Families & Roles" option on the create requisition page.
- Hide "Create New Job Requisition from Blank Template" option on the create requisition page.
- Number of Openings for the requisition is not controlled in the requisition template but in the position value for Multiple Incumbents Allowed (in Manage Position). If the field Multiple Incumbents Allowed is set to Yes (or True), the Number of Openings field will be editable and the number of candidates to be hired can be more than 1. If it is set to No (or False, the Number of Openings field will not be editable and the number of candidates to be hired can only be one.
Multiple Incumbents Allowed - This attribute controls whether the system allows the assignment of more than one employee to this position at any point in time. In EC Position Management, we recommend that you set this attribute to True.
See Also
Position, Management, Org, Chart, EC, Integration, SFAPI, ODATA, API, Business, Rules, Configuration, Active, Inactive, Requisition, Job , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-INT , Integration Center & Intelligent Services , How To