SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2879035 - Is it possible to display the workflow delegated person name for time off request?


The step 1 workflow approver is Person 1, and this person auto delegated his workflows to Person 2.
When requested a time off, the message is: Your time off request was saved and is awaiting approval by Person 1.

Is it possible to display the workflow delegated person name (Person 2) for time off request?


SuccessFactors Employee Central


This is currently a system limitation, the system will display the step 1 approver name regardless of auto delegation workflow.

For detailed steps on how to raise an enhancement request please follow the Knowledge Base Article (KBA) 2090228 on "How to submit an enhancement request"

See Also

2090228 - How to submit an enhancement request


time off, workflow, auto delegation, delegate, delegatee, manager , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-TIM , Time Off , Product Enhancement


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central all versions