SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2879505 - Not able to invoice the outbound delivery invoice request


System shows error Message "Organizational unit ID ABC does not exist in master data" in the Sales Order Invoice Request, due to that you are unable to invoice the corresponding outbound delivery invoice request.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Customer Invoicing work center
  2. Go to the Invoice Requests view
  3. Select All Invoice Requests and click Advance Filter button
  4. Under Preceding Document enter relevant sales order id and document type as Sales Order
  5. Click Go
  6. System will show the inconsistent Sales Order Invoice Request
  7. Click check button
  8. System shows error Organizational unit ABC does not exist in master data" (ABC represents the organizational unit id)


Customer Invoicing functions is not selected  for the organizational unit ABC.


  1. Go to Organizational Management work center
  2. Select Edit Org Structure
  3. Select today's date in the Effective-from date field
  4. Click Find and search for the organizational unit ID ABC
  5. Click Locate
  6. Go to the Functions tab
  7. You need to tick the box for Customer Invoicing to assign this function to the org unit
  8. Save the changes

Now you need to redetermine the invoice request XYZ as follows: (XYZ represents the Invoice Request ID)

  1. Go to the Customer Invoicing work center
  2. Go to the Invoice Requests view
  3. Search for invoice request ABC
  4. Select the invoice request and click the Check button
  5. Click Redetermine All


Unable to Invoice; Values missing in Invoice; New invoice missing values; , KBA , SRD-CRM-INV , Customer Invoicing , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions