You have imported org structures using the migration tool successfully without any error, but you find the imported data are not available in Planning Area of the Org Structures.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Business Configuration work center.
- Access the Overview view.
- Search and open fine-tuning activity Perform Organizational Structure Setup.
- Select Import org structure using the migration tool.
- In the new screen, select the migration file.
- Click the Execute Migration button, then Execute Migration Step by Step.
The org. data has been successfully imported without error. Then go to the Org Structures view to verify:
- Go to the Organizational Management work center.
- Access the Org Structures view.
- Click Edit.
In the Planning Area, you are unable to find any data.
It's required to add the org structures to the Planning Area using the Select Org Structures button after the first migration. You can decide which org structures you want to work on in Planning Area and then add them using Select Org Structures button.
Please add the org structures to the Planning Area using Select Org Structures button:
- Go to the Organizational Management work center.
- Access the Org Structures view.
- Click Edit.
- Click Select Org Structures and move the organizational unit to the Select Org Structures table.
- Click OK.
See Also
Subsequent Activities After Import in SAP Help Portal.
Org Structures; Migration; Planning Area; Select Org Structures , KBA , AP-OM , Organisational Management , How To