SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2879783 - How to Update a Contact with Additional Communication Type Permission Using Data Workbench


This KBA explains, how to extend already existing type(s) of communication categories of a contact with additional communication categories, when the existing data was created in the system and therefore no external key exists.


SAP Cloud for Customer


To perform the update perform the following steps:

  1. Perform an Export of the Individual Object: Marketing Permission and find the record for the Contact
  2. Identify which ObjectID is associated with the Contact
  3. Perform and Export of the Individual Object: Marketing Permission Communication Type Permission and find the existing record for the ObjectID
  4. Identify which ParentObjectID is associated with the ObjectID
  5. Perform an Update for the Individual Object: Marketing Permission Communication Type Permission, using a file with the following column information and a line for each new communication type:
  • ObjectID: Keep empty
  • ParentObjectID: Maintain the 'ParentObjectID' as identified in step 4
  • External_Key: Keep empty
  • MarketingPermissionExternalKey: Keep empty
  • CommunicationTypeCode: Use the desired value, e.g.: '005'
  • CommunicationTypeCodeText: Use the desired value, e.g.: 'Surveys'
  • SubscribedIndicator: Select 'FALSE 'or 'TRUE'
  • Created_On: Keep empty in case no info is available
  • Last_Changed_On: Keep empty in case no info is available
  • Entity_Last_Changed_On: Keep empty in case no info is available

Note: To create the file, the previously exported Marketing Permission Communication Type Permission file can be used and adapted. In this case, remove the complete HeaderObjectID column.


Set to True or false, MarketingPermissionCommType, communication category , KBA , LOD-CRM-INT-DWB , Data Workbench , How To


SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 1911