The field "fileContent" is not present in the payload results when you query Attachment entity of Recruiting module.
- SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite
- OData API
Reproducing the Issue
- Perform the query below
https://<apiurl>/odata/v2/Attachment?$top=1&$filter=module eq 'RECRUITING' - Field "fileContent" is not present in the results
Perform the query below
https://<apiurl>/odata/v2/Attachment?$top=1&$filter=module eq 'RECRUITING'&$select=fileContent -
Error message below returns
[COE0020]Direct access to Attachment fileContent of module in blocklist* is forbidden due to GDPR(General Data Protection Regulation).
Read Access Logging (RAL) is enabled in your instance.
This is an expected behavior when RAL is enabled.
In order to be able to fetch "fileContent" field, RAL needs to be disabled.
To disable it, follow these steps:
- Go to Manage Audit Configuration screen
- Select Read Audit tab
- Switch off the "Read Access Logging" option
*This word has been redacted and replaced with an inclusive term, please note that this may appear differently in your product, system code or table.
See Also
successfactors, success factors, sf, sfsf, api, odata, rcm, COE0020, retrieve, query, node, not visible, base64 , KBA , blacklist , LOD-SF-INT-ODATA , OData API Framework , Problem