SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2879980 - Error adding a Location using the Import Data Tool - The system could not add the record for one or more reasons:


 When trying to add or update a Location using the Import Data Tool, the background job fails and the following error can be seen in the logs:

The system could not add the record for one or more reasons: SAP DBTech JDBC: [461]: foreign key constraint violation: TrexUpdate failed on table 'SCHEMA_STAGE_TMS:PA_LOCN' with error: Row Locking failed on referenced Table;from table SCHEMA_STAGE_TMS:PA_LOCN to table SCHEMA_STAGE_TMS:PA_FACILITY, expected rowlocks 1 but processed rowlocks 0 differ, rc=1535.


 SAP SuccessFactors Learning

Reproducing the Issue

  1. In Learning Administration, go to System Administration > Tools > Import Data
  2. Select Action as 'Import Data'
  3. Select Record Type as 'References'
  4. Select Import Option as 'Add'
  5. Click 'Choose File' to select your import data file.
  6. Click 'Submit'.
  7. The background job will fail and you can download the Error Log to see the error message.


This error references the PA_FACILITY table and it means the Facility provided in the file does not exists.o'


Check if Facility entity already exists in LMS or if there isn't a typo.

An extra space at the end of the FacilityID can also cause this error.


 import data tool, error, location, , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-ADM , System Admin, Global Variables, References , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Learning all versions