- You are using the outlook addin to generate Service Requests in ByDesign.
- In some cases more than one Service Request is generated.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Use the Outlook Addin and select an email.
- Click Create service request.
- Click Create service request again.
You will now have two service requests from this email.
- In the current addin it is not possible to prevent the creation of multiple service requests from the same email.
- There are multiple locations, where a service request can be generated and for each click the respective button.
- In some cases the generation of service requests can vary depending on system load.
- Each click will generate a message and once the message is processed, the service request will be in the tenant.
- Do not click the Create service request button more than once, even if the service request is not directly visible.
- In case multiple service requests were created, delete one of the service requests.
See Also
2025807 - E-mail Text in Edit Output Settings for Service Request is Read Only
2036320 - E-Mail, Phone and Fax of the Processor in the Output Document of a Service Request is Not the Expected One
3345865 - How to Create Service Request via Microsoft Outlook
Configuration: Creating Service Requests From Incoming E-Mails
Create Service Requests from E-Mails
Outlook AddIn, Service Request, Duplicate, Serviceanfrage, Doppelt, Not Created, From, Email , KBA , AP-SRP-SR , Service Request , How To
SAP Business ByDesign all versions