SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2880944 - Projects are not displayed on Plan Customer Projects app


  • You have a customer project with a custom field included. When you search for the project in the plan customer projects app, you cannot find the project. If you search for the project in the search bar of the system, you find the project.
  • When you scroll down the list of projects, sometimes it is cleared and no projects are shown.
  • Get on API /CPD/SC_EXTERNAL_SERVICES_SRV gives error "In the context of Data Services an unknown internal server error occurred"


 SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to plan customer projects.
  2. Search for project.
  3. No project is shown.
  4. Search the project in the system search bar.
  5. The project fact sheet is found.


In the migration template you entered a value for the custom field that is not accepted by the system.

For example, the custom field is a checkbox, you entered a value different from "X" (upper case X -true, nothing - false).


To correct this issue you will have to correct these entries through the API.

Use the below call with a PATCH method (adapting to your system URL, remember to change IDOFTHEPROJECT to the project ID in your system):


As a payload for the call please use as indicated below:

"d": {

The value for the variable must be the same as shown in the Migration Template for customer projects in the column SAP Field (This column is located in the Field List sheet and usually hidden in the template).


Plan customer projects, migration, custom field, unable, find, scroll, in execution , KBA , CA-CPD-SS , S/4HANA Public Cloud – Professional Service Projects , CA-GTF-MIG , SAP S/4HANA Data Migration Cockpit Content , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions