SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2881138 - Searching for user with Multiple Employments in Android does not work


When using SuccessFactors Mobile app in an Android device, the search for a user with multiple employement only shows one profile.


SAP SuccessFactors Mobile

Reproducing the Issue

  1. In an Android device open the SuccessFactors Mobile app
  2. Search for an user with multiple employments
  3. Results do not show all available profiles


Known product limitation for the GA/CE feature's supportability on SuccessFactots Mobile for Android.


This is working as designed. Primary employment appears for an employee with multiple active employments in Android devices. Please submit an enhancement request Here


People Search not working for multiple employments, Android mobile app, mobile concurrent employments, mobile global assignments, searching for user with multiple employments android app, MOB-30962 , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-MOB , Employee Central Mobile , LOD-SF-EC-GA , Global Assignment , LOD-SF-EC-CON , Concurrent Employment , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors HXM Core 1911