- sp_iqcheckdb 'allocation database' returns "Blocks Leaked"
- Running sp_iqcheckdb 'dropleaks database' to reclaim the free space would cause IQ crash with stacktrace.
- The phrases "s_dbmvbio::AllocateSpecial" and "s_iqstore::ReplaceActiveFreeList" can be found in the stacktrace.
Excerpt of stacktrace:
*** SAP IQ Abort:
*** From: slib/s_db.cxx:1264
*** PID: 4129236
*** Message: s_dbmvbio::AllocateSpecial Error
*** Thread: 43691 (TID: 54)
** Error from IQ connection: SA connHandle: 4 SA connID: 6 IQ connID: 0000000070 User: user1
** Time of error: 2020-01-15 21:27:31
** IQ Version: SAP IQ/16.1.020/12305/P/sp02.14
** OS info: IQ built on: RS6000MP/AIX 7.1, Executed on: AIX/hostname/2/7/00CC0E374C00
** Command status when error occured: COMMAND ACTIVE
** Command text:
call "sp_iqcheckdb"('dropleaks database')
Dump all thread stacks at slib/s_db.cxx:1264 for PID: 4129236
***************** This is the STACKTRACE ***************
===== Thread Number 43691 (IQ connID: 0000000070) =====
pc: 900000015575668 .pcstkwalk(stk_trace*,int,db_log*,hos_fd*)+0x1c8()
pc: 900000015574e38 .ucstkgentrace(int,int)+0xb8()
pc: 9000000155734b8 .DumpAllThreads(const char*,unsigned int,int)+0x338()
pc: 900000015570b68 .hos_ABORT(const char*,unsigned int,const char*,char*,char*,__sigcontext*)+0x328()
pc: 9000000155c8410 .s_dbmvbio::AllocateSpecial(int,hos_bio::allocPrivilege)+0x590()
pc: 90000001591352c .s_FreeListBlockmap::Allocate(s_bufman_errorInfo*,unsigned short,unsigned int,unsigned int,hos_bio::allocPrivilege)+0x4c()
pc: 9000000158ed230 .s_blockmap::CreateDontZero(short,int,hos_cmprstype,unsigned int,unsigned int)+0x8d0()
pc: 900000015c7e884 .s_scratchPage::CreateBuf()+0x84()
pc: 900000015c75d88 .s_scratchPage::CreateBuf()+0x28()
pc: 90000001822fa2c .v2s_bmcontext::bmlfblkcpyalloc(int)+0x8c()
pc: 900000015c44e60 .v2s_bmcontext::bmselfcpytail2(v2s_bmcontext*,v2s_bmsgpda2_class*,int,int)+0xa20()
pc: 900000015c681f4 .v2s_bmcontext::bmselfunion(s_bm*,const s_bm&)+0x7b4()
pc: 9000000158627a0 .s_bm::Or(const s_bm&)+0x100()
pc: 900000015a30e5c .s_iqstore::ReplaceActiveFreeList(const s_bm*,const hos_list<unsigned short>*)+0x1dc()
pc: 9000000179d0054 .db_CheckDBCursor::db_CheckDBCursor(char*,unsigned int,s_MultipleStoreReader*)+0x16f4()
pc: 90000001797e7a0 .db_iqutilityOpenCursor::Parse()+0x2560()
- SAP IQ 16.0
- SAP IQ 16.1
CR819497, CR#819497, 819497, .s_FreeListBlockmap::Allocate, .s_FreeListBlockmap::Allocate, "Blocks Leaked", , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed
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