- In the dev_ftp and/or dev_http trace one of the following entries (depending on release) exists and nobody knows what this entry means if it is an error:
- In older versions of SAPftp/SAPhttp, the entry in the trace looks like:
SAP Netweaver
- Release independent
RfcListenAndDispatch() ended with key=RFC_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE and message=connection closed without message (CM_NO_DATA_RECEIVED), Hint: key=RFC_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE and message=CM_NO_DATA_RECEIVED is a standard situation and happens when application server closes the connection, RfcError - key: RFC_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE, message: connection closed without message (CM_NO_DATA_RECEIVED), CM_NO_DATA_RECEIVED, connection closed without message, RFC_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE , KBA , BC-SRV-COM-FTP , File Transfer via FTP , Problem
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