SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2883031 - Time entry collision error in Time Sheet


While employee is trying to fill time sheet an error occurs: Time entry collision on <YYYY-MM-DD>. Only a single entry for attendance between <HH:MM - HH:MM> is allowed.


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central - Time Sheet

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Navigate to Employee's Time Sheet.
  2. The following error message is displayed: Time entry collision on <YYYY-MM-DD>. Only a single entry for attendance between <HH:MM - HH:MM> is allowed.


Multiple attendance records exist on the same date.


  1. Export 'External Time Data' via Import and Export data.
  2. Filter based on the affected employee's user ID and 'start Date' (the one shown in the error message).
  3. If there are two records on the same date, then one of them needs to be deleted. To delete the external time data, please refer the KBA 2856879 - How To Delete External Time Data?
  4. If there are no duplicate records, the error occurs because both external time data and manually submitted attendance exist for the same day. One of them needs to be deleted.


Time entry collision on Time Sheet Only a single entry for attendance between External Time Data Duplicates , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-TMS , Time Sheet , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central all versions ; SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core all versions