SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2883893 - Error "Sales organization is not defined" when creating billing document - SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition


  • Info message: "No billing documents were generated. Please see log" is issued in the Create Billing Documents - VF01 app.
  • Error message "Sales organization is not defined" is issued during billing document creation in the Create Billing Documents - VF01 app.
  • Error message VF 009 is issued during billing document creation in the Create Billing Documents - VF01 app.
  • Error message: "Sorry, a technical error occurred. Please try again later" is issued in the Create Billing Documents app.


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Open Create Billing Documents - VF01 app.
  2. Enter the document number to be processed.
  3. Info message: "No billing documents were generated. Please see log" is issued at the bottom left corner of the screen.
  4. Open More / Edit / Log
  5. Error message "Sales organization is not defined" is displayed in the error log.


Intercompany data is missing in the delivery for which an intercompany billing document is to be created.


Follow the set-up instructions and test script of the scope item Intercompany Sales Order Processing - International (‏1MX‏)

Ensure that customer master record is created for the internal customer in the sales organization of the delivering company code sales and distribution area.

See Also

3030018 - Technical error while creating Intercompany Billing (IV) 
2789808 - Technical error occurs when configuring intercompany billing communication
SAP Best Practices Explorer - Intercompany Sales Order Processing - International (‏1MX‏)
SAP Help Portal - Create Billing Documents - VF01


Billing Due List,  VF032, VF 032, VF009, VKDFS-FKDAT, SD_CUSTOMER_INVOICES_CREATE, I_SDDocumentCategory, RV_INVOICE_CREATE, FAKTURA_ERZEUGEN, Organizational Structure, SSCUI 100066, Sales Organization, SSCUI 100222, Define Shipping Data for Plants, SSCUI 101926, Assign Sales Organization - Distribution Channel - Plant, SSCUI 102287, SAPLV60A, LV60AA22, FAKTURA_LIEFERBEZOGEN, Sonderbehandlung Interner Verrechnung, intercompany billing, IV, IG, TVKO_LESEN, lv_ico_vkoiv = likp-vkoiv, PERFORM tvko_lesen USING lv_ico_vkoiv rc, TVKO, BUKRS, VTWEG, SPART, KNVV, KUNNR, LIKP-VKOIV, LIKP-VTWIV, LIKP-SPAIV, LIKP-FKAIV, LIKP-PIOIV, LIKP-FKDIV, LIKP-KUNIV, KNNR, VKORG, "Die Verkaufsorganisation & ist nicht vorgesehen", TVFK-VBTYP 5, SELECT SINGLE * FROM TVKO WHERE VKORG = TS_VKORG, XKOMFK-FXMSG, VBFS_HINZUFUEGEN, Maintain Business Partner, IV-VKORG, S4_PC, supplying company, technical error, "HTTP request failed", "statusCode": "500", "Internal Server Error", "In the context of Data Services an unknown internal server error occured\", , KBA , SD-FIO-BIL , Fiori UIs for Billing , SD-BIL-IV , Processing Billing Documents , SD-FIO-BIL-2CL , Fiori UIs for Billing (Public Cloud) , SD-BIL-IV-IB , Intercompany Billing , Problem


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