- You need to create a Unified Report run for your Israelian Company for a previous Fiscal Year.
- You maintain the respective file path in the File Save Path field.
- After saving an error message appears 'Enter a valid File Save Path; Hover over the field to see more info'.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- In the General Ledger go to the Unified Reporting - Israel view.
- Press New and select Unified Reporting run.
- Maintain a Run Description, the Company and the Set of Books.
- In the Fiscal Year,enter a previous Fiscal Year, XXXX.
- In the Period fields enter the period span of your choice.
- Maintain a File Compression Type of your choice.
- In the File Save Path field, enter the path as instructed in the mouse-over text of the field, for example C:\OPENFRMT\VATID.XX\MMDDHHMM (XX represents the initials of the previous fiscal year; MMDDHHMM stands for Month, Day, Hour, Minutes).
- Press Save.
The error message 'Enter a valid File Save Path; Hover over the field to see more info' appears.
Even though you create the Unified report run for a previous fiscal year, XX, you must maintain the initials of the current Calendar year in the file path.
So, if it is now Calendar year YYYY, you must maintain YY instead of XX. (YY represents the current Calendar Year).
In the File Save Path field, enter the path with the current Calendar Year initials, for example C:\OPENFRMT\VATID.YY\MMDDHHMM.
valid file save path; Unified Reporting - Israel; Unified report run , KBA , unified reporting israel , valid file path unified report run , unified report run , SRD-FIN-GLO-REP , GLO - Statutory Reporting , Problem