- A table was dropped by mistake and then it was re-created and loaded with the data.
- There are three objects constraints (stored procedures) on this table and none of them shows up in sp_depends on the table.
- Two out of these three objects constraints (stored procedures) are rebuilt but none of those two still shows in sp_depends on the table.
- Here is what we get:
sp_depends mytable
Object doesn't reference any object and no objects reference it.
Dependent objects that reference all columns in the table. Use sp_depends on each column to get more information.
Columns referenced in stored procedures, views or triggers are not included in this report.
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE)
sysdepends, deferred name resolution, dependent, depending, recreate, drop , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-SYB-ASE-CE , ASE Cluster Edition (Standalone) , Problem
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