SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2885143 - General Tab in Fixed Asset Has Empty Fields


You have a Capitalized Fixed Asset and all information about Valuation Parameters are filled the respective fields and tabs. However, when you access the Fixed Asset, the Valuation Parameters section is empty either in Overview mode or under General tab, when you access View All mode.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Fixed Assets work center.
  2. Access Fixed Assets view.
  3. Open the Fixed Asset in question.

You notice that the All Assignments Intervals section is empty in Overview mode and also in General tab.


The Fixed Asset is not valid as of current date. Under All Assignments Intervals, in Master Data - Basic Data tabs, you can see that the Valid To field is filled with a past date, which means that the Fixed Asset is not valid anymore.


You need to adjust the time interval of the Assignment to a current date to display the details.

  1. Go to Fixed Assets work center.
  2. Access Fixed Assets view.
  3. Open the Fixed Asset in question.
  4. Go to View All mode.
  5. Go to Basic Data tab, under Master Data tab.
  6. In All Assignments Intervals session, select Add Row.
  7. Add information with Valid To field for the future.

This way the Fixed Asset will become valid again and the data will be displayed in the expected fields.


Fixed Asset, Validity, Empty, Data, Fields. Capitalized. , KBA , SRD-FIN-FA , Fixed Assets , How To


SAP Business ByDesign all versions