An incorrect Region (state) is displayed in the journal entry created for a manual tax entry in Canada.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Tax Management work center.
- Go to the Manual Tax Entries > VAT Entries view.
- Open Manual Tax Entry AAA (AAA means the Manual Tax Entry ID).
- Click View All.
- Under Account Assignment section, notice that State displayed is ABC (ABC means the State name).
- Open the Journal Entry from the Manual Tax Entry.
- Select the line item with a credit posting to the Taxes G/L Account.
- Notice that Region displayed is not ABC, but DEF (DEF means the Region name).
The manual tax entry AAA was created with State DEF, as a mistake. Later, the State was changed to ABC (correct one) and the manual tax entry released. Under these circumstances, the system is not able to update the Region (state) in the Journal Entry and it stays as DEF.
This is currently a system limitation.
As a workaround, when a manual tax entry has been posted with such error, it can be reversed and a new entry can be created with correct State.
See Also
A similar limitation is observed in the Intercompany Journal Entry Voucher scenario for Canada.
Please check KBA 2886707 - Canada: Incorrect Region is Displayed in Journal Entries Resulting From Intercompany Journal Entry Voucher
manual tax entry; vat entry; state; region; canada; CA , KBA , state , canada , vat entry , manual tax entry , region , ca , SRD-FIN-TAX , Tax Management , Product Enhancement