SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2886090 - ID mapping for external value XYZ of ERP Product Category missing


Error "ID mapping for external value XYZ of ERP Product Category missing" is raised while replicating Materials from SAP ERP/S4 to SAP Cloud for Customer.

XYZ Represents example Product Category ID.


SAP Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Logon to Cloud for Customer.
  2. Go to Administrator workcenter.
  3. Open Web Service Message Monitoring under General Settings view.
  4. Find and select the relevant failed inbound messages for service interface MaterialReplicationInitiatedByExternalIn.
  5. The error message 'ID mapping for external value XYZ of ERP Product Category missing' is displayed.


ID mappings are missing for the ProductCategoryID sent in the webservice message.

In Cloud for Customer system, Product Categories are mandatory for Materials, so via replication Product Category ID is also sent from SAP ERP/S4H, however the IDs sent in the webservice messages are external IDs from SAP ERP/S4H.

Cloud for Customer needs to understand which Product Category to be assigned for the corresponding Product, hence ID mapping for this external IDs have to be maintained properly.


  1. Replicate the Product Category from SAP ERP/S4H before you replicate the material, then restart the failed message.
  2. Or Maintain the ID Mapping for Product category manually with below steps,
    1. Go to Administrator workcenter.
    2. Open ID Mapping for Integration view.
    3. Click Edit ID Mapping for Integration.
    4. Select Mapping of ERP Product Categories.
    5. Select relevant System Instance ID.
    6. Click Go.
    7. Find and select the relevant Product Category, and maintain ExternalID as XYZ.
    8. Save.

See Also

2584048 - Initial Load for Product Categories fail with ID Mapping error


MATMAS, MATMAS_CFS, MaterialReplicationInitiatedByExternalIn, ProductCategoryID, ERP Product Category missing , KBA , LOD-CRM-INT-ERP , Integration of C4C with ERP , LOD-CRM-INT-S4H , Integration of C4C with S/4 HANA , LO-INT-COD , CRM On Demand Integration , Problem


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions