SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2886237 - 'Forward Form To' not showing the route step name after form is rejected - Performance Management


  • User rejects the form during Signature stage and is to be returned to the last route step in Modify stage, which is a Collaborative step.
  • On the routing screen, 'Forward Form To' displays the user's name instead of the route step name.

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SAP SuccessFactors Performance Management

Reproducing the Issue

1. Create a route map with a Collaborative step as the last route step in Modify Stage.
2. Link the route map to a form template and launch a form to test user.
3. Route the form until it reaches the Signature stage.
4. During Employee acknowledgement step, employee rejects the form.


This is an expected behavior.


'Forward Form to *Route Step Name*' only applies when form is moved to the next or previous Collaborative step using Finalize/ Send To and Send to Previous Step buttons.

When rejecting a form to be returned to a Collaborative step, the name of the first user in that step will be showing instead, regardless if that user is an Exit user (last evaluator) or not.

route step reject.PNG

See Also

 2592500 - ‘Forward Form to’ – Route Map Step Name appearance over Recipients Name and vice versa


reject form, return form in collaborative step, forward form to, forward notification when rejecting form, rejection to collaborative step, forward form to not showing the route step name , KBA , LOD-SF-PM-MAP , Routing, Route Maps & Workflows , LOD-SF-PM-ADM , Admin Center, RBP, Permissions and Settings , How To


SAP SuccessFactors HXM Core 1911 ; SAP SuccessFactors Performance & Goals all versions