- User is trying to perform Permanent purge and uses the template file with "Assignment ID" as identifier (in the title column)
- User is trying to perform DRTM Master Data Purge and receive the error "The import file contains invalid IDs"
- Validation error shows "The import file contains invalid IDs"
- Purge email says "No users or user records were purged from the application because the job failed. The job failed due to: The userId list provided is not correct."
SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite
Reproducing the Issue
- Navigate to Data Retention Management > select Permanent Purge
- Choose file
- Validation error shows "The import file contains invalid ID's"
- Ignore error and submit
- Go to Monitor Jobs
- Job execution is successful
- However, user receives email saying "No users or user records were purged from the application because the job failed. The job failed due to: The userId list provided is not correct."
- Navigate to Data Retention Management > select DRTM Master Data Purge
- Choose file
- Validation error shows "The import file contains invalid ID's"
Cause 1:
There is a defect when using "Assignment ID" as the identifier/title column for User Permanent Purge file
Cause 2:
There are some invalid IDs in the file for DRTM Master Data Purge. It is possible that leading zeros are missing from the IDs to be purged and it causes purge to point to invalid users.
Resolution 1:
As a workaround, you may change the "Assignment ID" title to "User ID" as the identifier in the file then proceed with permanent purge.
Resolution 2:
Kindly review the ID used in the file is the proper one by opening Employee Export (UDF) file in Notepad or Notepad++ instead of Excel. KBA 2087490 - Data Imports & Exports: How do I open my User Directory in Excel without losing leading zero's in userids or usernames? - Platform - SAP for Me for reference.
See Also
2392076 - User Permanent Purge feature
2158399 - Unable to import user - Platform
2615360 - DRTM Master Data Purge for Inactive Users
permanent purge, file, assignment id, user id, the import file contains invalid IDs, no users or user records were purged from the application because job failed due to user id list is not correct, DRTM, master data purge, leading zeros , KBA , LOD-SF-PLT-DRM , Data Retention Management , LOD-SF-PLT , Platform Foundational Capabilities , Problem