SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2886737 - .NET ClickOnce deployment no longer working from SAP downloads for Crystal Reports for Visual Studio


One of the deployment options for Crystal Reports for Visual Studio is to use the ClickOnce deployment method.

In our older versions we hosted the file on the old FTP server called Akamai.

This Server is being phased out and we now publish our runtime and install packages which is available through various links:

Or from our public download page which is not zipped here:

  • Note: The WIKI page has the download link as well:
  • From the CR for VS Download page the link now has a unique ID number appended to the file name and compressed using WinZip.
  • - Note: this is specific to each SP
  • CR13SP26ClikOnce_0-10010309.ZIP Note: this is specific to each SP


Crystal Reports Developer, for Visual Studio SP 27 and above.

Reproducing the Issue

Existing Links for ClickOnce installer is no longer available. As of SP 27 - SP 26 is still available


For OEM Partners and other Third parties using our runtime, is to host the MSI packages themselves and update the product.xml with their own links.

  • Change the link to your FTP server.

Or instruct your users to click a link you provide to download the MSI file with instructions to right click on it ans elect install.

See Also

[Enter your See Also here...]


clickonce, crforvs, MSI packages, deployment options. SP 27, akamai , KBA , BI-DEV-NET , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - .NET or Other , How To


SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio