SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2888010 - Query in Sales Price List for Products is Not Working as Expected


You are querying for products in your sales price list and cannot find product descriptions.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Create a Product with ID 123 (123 represents the products ID).
  2. Enter Description SAMPLE for product 123.
  3. Navigate to any price list containing product 123.
  4. Select the items tab.
  5. Query for SAMPLE.

The product is not displayed.


The query within sales price list only queries for product ID and not the description.


Query for 123 to see the product 123 - SAMPLE.


Query, Description, Product ID, Sales Price List, Suche, Beschreibung, Produkt ID, Preisliste , KBA , AP-PMD-SPL , Sales Price List , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign 1911