SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2889115 - How to save formatting widgets in Story templates in SAP Analytics Cloud


It is required to save formatting in widgets (charts, tables, geo maps, texts) when creating a story template.


SAP Analytics Cloud (Enterprise) 2019.21.8


As per Save a Story as a template:

"Saving the story as a template removes all data and converts charts, tables, maps, input controls, and value driver trees into empty placeholders. All grid pages and custom formatting are removed. You will be able to see the chart type that was used when saving the story as a template. When turning the chart placeholder into a chart, the original chart type will be automatically selected."


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SAP Cloud for Planning, sc4p, c4p, cforp, cloudforplanning, Cloud for Analytics, Cloud4Analytics, CloudforAnalytics, Cloud 4 Planning, BOC, SAPBusinessObjectsCloud, BusinessObjectsCloud, BOBJcloud, BOCloud., SAC, SAP AC, Cloud-Analytics, CloudAnalytics, SAPCloudAnalytics,Error, Issue, System, Data, User, Unable, Access, Connection, Sac, Connector, Live, Acquisition, Up, Set, setup, Model, BW, Connect, Story, Tenant, Import, Failed, Using, Working, SAML, SSO, sapanalyticscloud, sap analytical cloud, sap analytical cloud, SAC, chart, table. geo map , KBA , LOD-ANA-DES , Story Design & Visualizations , LOD-ANA-BI , Business Intelligence Functionality, Analytic Models , How To


SAP Analytics Cloud 1.0