SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2889716 - External Transactions Checkbox in Payment Monitor View Is Not Working as Expected


The tri-state checkbox External Transactions is not working as expected in Payment Monitor work center view.


SAP Business ByDesign 2002

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Payment Management or Liquidity Management work center.
  2. Go to the Payment Monitor view.
  3. Select show-list Payments In Transfer.
  4. Click Open Advanced Filter icon.
  5. Notice that the External Transactions checkbox is fully marked/painted.
  6. Click Go button.
  7. Notice that the number of payments is, for example, 500.
  8. Untick the External Transactions, by clicking one time over it.
  9. Click Go.
  10. Notice number of payments is still 500.
  11. Tick the External Transactions, by clicking one time over it.
  12. Notice that the number of payments is different now, for example, 1000.
  13. Now, fully mark/paint the External Transactions checkbox, by clicking one time over it.
  14. Click Go.
  15. Notice that the number of payments is again different. Now it is the sum of non-external transactions with external transactions: 500 + 1000 = 1500. Now the number is correct.


The tri-state checkbox is supposed to work as follows:

Fully marked: both external transaction payments and non-external transaction payments are considered.

Ticked: Only external transaction payments are considered.

Empty: Only non-external transaction payments are considered.

During the initial screen load, when the checkbox is fully marked/painted, the system is not able to properly sum external transactions and non-external transactions, and that's why it displays a wrong number of payments.


This is currently a product limitation.

As a workaround, the checkbox should be clicked three times and then the Go button clicked. In this way a proper page load takes place.

First time: changes from fully marked/painted to empty

Second time: changes from empty to ticked

Third time: changes from ticked to fully marked/painted again


external transactions; payment monitor; checkbox; limitation , KBA , external transactions , payment monitor , limitation , checkbox , SRD-FIN-MOP , Payment Management , Product Enhancement


SAP Business ByDesign 1911 ; SAP Business ByDesign 2002