SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2890205 - The Outbound File Has Zero Kilobytes And You Get an Error 'File Format XYZ is Not Consistent'


  • You create an Outbound File but it has zero Kilobytes. It is empty also.
  • You expect this Outbound File to be filled with data.
  • In the Log File you get an Error Message: "File format APAY XYZ (where XYZ is the Payment File Structure ID) is not consistent".


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Liquidity Management Work Center - Outbound Files view.
  2. Search for all Outbound Files and enter XXX (where XXX is the Outbound File ID).
  3. Click on the file ID XXX.
  4. Switch to the tab Attachment.
  5. If you click on "Display Log" you can see an Error Message: File format APAY XYZ is not consistent. 

You can also see that the PayFile_YYY (where YYY is the Payment File ID) has a file size of zero Bytes. This is incorrect. You expect this file not to be empty.


In the Business Configuration Work Center under Payment File Structures(Activity: Outgoing Bank Transfers), there is a constant maintained which you need to remove.

Also the Data Source and the Operator are not matching. You need to change the Operator.


  1. Go to the Business Configuration Work Center.
  2. Go to the Overview View.
  3. Search for Outgoing Bank Transfers and open that Activity.
  4. Click on Edit Payment File Structures.
  5. Select the Payment File Structure ID XYZ and press Edit.
  6. Press Next until you get to 3 - Define Fields.
  7. Under Records, select Footer.
  8. Highlight ABC (where ABC is the Footer Record) and select field Conditions.
  9. Remove the Data Source "Constant".
  10. Then change the Operator of the Data Source Transaction Payment Amount to "greater than".
  11. Press Save and Confirm.

After you have done these steps create a new Payment File. This solves the issue.


Payment File empty, zero kilobytes, zero, Business Configuration Payment File Structure, File Format is Not Consistent, Data Source, Operator, Constant, Zahllauf, Zahlungsdatei leer , KBA , payment file empty , file format is not consistent , SRD-FIN-CLM , Cash and Liquity Managment , Problem


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