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2891221 - Execution of POST Method for OData Service Does not Upload Data to the KUT Field


Your requirement is to create data using the OData Service and the related KUT field. Upon executing the OData Service, data is created in system, but the issue is with KUT field which is ZField_1_KUT , where the data is not uploaded. Although the required value is passed in the Request payload for the KUT field, the field appears blank.

where ZField_1_KUT and ZField_1 are the KUT field
myxxxxxx represents the tenant
PQR is the UI label name of the KUT field
Yyyyyyyyyy is the object in OData Collection
/BYD/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and /BYD/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz is the technical name of the KUT field



SAP Cloud for Customer


SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions


OData, _KUT, KUT, Extension field, UI Text , KBA , ui text , odata , kut , _kut , extension field , LOD-CRM-INT-API , OData API (C4C Only) , Problem

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