SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2891717 - Unassigned tasks related to shopping carts of an employee who left the organisation


If you have actions to be taken on Shopping carts of an employee who left organisation.

How to assign shopping cart to a different employee.

Unable assign the shopping cart task to an Employee under Application and User Management work center-> Business task management.


SAP Business ByDesign


  1. Go to the Application and User Management work center
  2. Go to the Task Distribution view
  3. Go to the Shopping Cart Management view
  4. Select the relevant Shopping Cart ID and select Assign To
  5. Search for desired employee and Save

See Also

2675644 - Error Appears While Trying to Assign the Shopping Cart to Another Employee


 Shopping cart, shopping cart management, , KBA , AP-REQ-IR , Internal Request , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions